Here’s How INFJs Show Up as Each of the Nine Enneagram Types (2024)

INFJs are imaginative, empathic, and deeply reflective by nature. These characteristics make them flexible and adaptable, and that means their personalities can show up in a whole bunch of ways, such that two INFJs will never look quite the same.

If you’ve also taken an Enneagram test, you’ll know this to be true. While one INFJ may type as an Enneagram Type Four, another might type as a One, or a Five, or a Nine. These individuals will all share the traits that are characteristic of the INFJ type, but the way they act on these traits, and which ones they prioritize, may be influenced by their Enneagram type.

Here’s what an INFJ looks like according to their place on the Enneagram.

Type One: The INFJ Perfectionist

Who Are They?

Type One INFJs are perfectionists to the core. They are thorough, organized and detail-oriented; yet, they are often left dissatisfied, convinced they could have done more. They can be critical of others as well as themselves as they tend to rely on the highest standards to evaluate the efforts of people who are close to them. They can become openly frustrated and irritable if others resist their (diplomatic) advice.

INFJs who fall under the Type One umbrella have an expansive vision for themselves and their futures. They will exert great effort trying to fulfill their destinies. They are tremendously responsible, going out of their way to do their duties and meet their obligations. In some instances, they are so focused on taking responsibility that they will neglect their need to relax and enjoy quality time with loved ones.

Strategies for Self-Development

Well-adjusted Type One INFJs have learned how to tame and control their perfectionism, making it work for them instead of against them. They organize their lives in a way that leaves time for their families, friends, and hobbies. They value their alone time, knowing it helps them recharge their psychological and emotional batteries and prevents them from becoming worn out.

Type Two: The INFJ Giver

Who Are They?

Type Two INFJs impress everyone with their generosity and selflessness. They are always ready to lend a hand, even when they haven't been asked. They tend to develop their talents in ways that will serve others as much or more than themselves. Type Two INFJs tend to be more gregarious, outgoing, and friendly than most other INFJs.

Because they feel obligated to prioritize the needs of their family, friends, and colleagues, Type Twos sometimes neglect their own needs and desires. They don't correctly set boundaries or place limitations on their availability. While their helpfulness is largely inspired by genuine concern and compassion, they often have hidden self-esteem issues. Type Two INFJs secretly believe they must earn respect and affection.

Strategies for Self-Development

Type Two INFJs must learn to acknowledge their own needs and insecurities, openly and honestly. They should practice saying ‘no’ more often, particularly when their intuition tells them they’re in danger of becoming overly stressed or burned out. They must do this consistently, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. If they persist, their perspective will gradually change, until their self-preservation strategies become natural and instinctive.

Type Three: The INFJ Achiever

Who Are They?

More than most INFJ Enneagram subtypes, Type Threes are strongly motivated by a desire to succeed and achieve. While their introverted side prevents them from excessive boldness, they want to have their accomplishments noticed and acknowledged. Their self-confidence emerges from their ability to set goals and then meet them. The ‘Judger’ part of their personality is strong.

While they can be overly competitive, Type Three INFJs are kind hearted and inclusive. They are pleased to see others succeed. They can feel threatened by the successes of companions, however, if they’ve been struggling and are frustrated with their own lack of progress. Like many high achievers, Type Three INFJs are motivated at least in part by feelings of inadequacy. They strive to prove themselves because they secretly fear they’ll never be good enough.

Strategies for Self-Development

When Type Three INFJs are content and at peace, it is because they’ve learned to concentrate on competing against themselves instead of against others. They’ve found that focusing on self-improvement can satisfy their need to achieve, regardless of what anyone else has accomplished. They celebrate their successes great and small and are always generous in acknowledging the achievements of others.

Type Four: The INFJ Individualist

Who Are They?

Type Four is a common type for INFJs and people with this personality combination are deeply concerned with authenticity. They want to discover their own unique identity and they build their lives around that search. Too often, their search for authenticity can become a compulsion. They may change careers, relationships, ideologies, and behavioral patterns repeatedly, endlessly searching for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Because they are so introspective, Type Four INFJs tend to be quieter than most types. They like to think and reflect before speaking, to make sure their responses are honest and thorough. At a fundamental level they often feel like outsiders, misunderstood and underappreciated.

Strategies for Self-Development

The poised and self-assured Type Four INFJ will have lost their compulsion to keep proving how unique they are. They’ve come to realize their need to feel different all the time was at least partially driven by insecurity and a need for validation. Once they’ve found an identity that feels comfortable and natural, their efforts at self-improvement will respect and honor that identity rather than trying to overturn it. They finally recognize that meaning and purpose are generated from within.

Type Five: The INFJ Investigator

Who Are They?

INFJs in the Type Five category are always searching for deeper insight and understanding, and they aren’t afraid to seek out information or inspiration on the roads less traveled. They tend to be distrustful of authority, preferring to find out the answers on their own. Type Five INFJ need a significant amount of alone time, where they can reflect, contemplate, and analyze without being overwhelmed by social demands.

Type Five INFJs sometimes allow themselves to become trapped by their introversion. They want answers but haven’t worked to create stable relationships with people who could act as sounding boards, conversational partners, or experienced observers with valuable feedback to share. They are imaginative, but not as grounded as they should be.

Strategies for Self-Development

It is vitally important that Type Five INFJs include other people in their search for truth. They should practice becoming active and engaged listeners, and recruit others to be their companions on their ongoing missions of discovery. A whole and healthy Type Five will use their creativity and investigative skills looking for solutions to real-world problems. They will make a concerted effort to find organizations or individuals that will offer them opportunities to put their great intentions into practice.

Type Six: The INFJ Skeptic

Who Are They?

A Type Six INFJ anticipates bad outcomes and spends an inordinate amount of time preparing so they can be avoided. Type Sixes frequently lack trust in their own capabilities, and seek stability through their relationships, belief systems, careers, or status in the community. While they appear calm and stoic on the outside, they are often hiding fears, anxieties, and uncertainties. They can be equally skeptical of authority and those who always question authority.

Type Six INFJs can love deeply and are loyal to their loved ones. They may worry about them more than they worry about themselves and be quick to offer suggestions if they think their friends or family members are somehow at risk. They are solution-oriented but tend to be skeptical of solutions that are offered, fearing that some important detail has been missed.

Strategies for Self-Development

Type Six INFJs need to make a real effort to find serenity, while calming their voices of inner doubt. They are a type that can benefit from mindfulness practices like meditation, and by taking classes or courses that teach skills of self-reliance. They can learn to disengage from their anxious or distrustful tendencies by being honest with themselves about the price they pay for those feelings.

Type Seven: The INFJ Enthusiast

Who Are They?

Active and adventurous Type Seven INFJs don’t fade into the background. More outspoken and social than most INFJs, they tend to impress others with their energy and commitment to growth and achievement. They are skilled planners who know how to reach their goals and are more than willing to bring the people they care about along for the ride.

Unfortunately, they spend so much time seeking novelty and new experience that Type Sevens often neglect their need for privacy and quiet. They get into the habit of repressing their anxieties and uncertainties, adopting a perpetually busy lifestyle to keep themselves distracted. As introverts, they need solitude and time for contemplation, whether they realize it or not.

Strategies for Self-Development

The energy and enthusiasm of the Type Seven is admirable. But it must be harnessed and managed, as part of a balanced approach to living that gives the Type Seven INFJ time to think and reflect on their personal and professional issues. A Type Seven can often benefit from therapy, and from honest conversations with loved ones where sharing of deep feelings is encouraged.

Type Eight: The INFJ Challenger

Who Are They?

When a Type Eight INFJ feels like someone else is trying to control or limit them, it rankles them and motivates them to try to break free. Valuing their independence, this type of INFJ will avoid situations where their fate is in any way determined by the actions or judgments of others. They can be bold at their best and defiant or resistant at their worst, depending on whether they feel supported or restricted by their companions.

It is ironic that Type Eight INFJs are fiercely independent, yet subject to being influenced by what they perceive as a lack of respect from others. They strive to be inner directed, but often act in reaction to what they believe to be controlling behavior by others.

Strategies for Self-Development

A Type Eight INFJ who has achieved mastery has learned to separate their goals from the feelings, opinions, and actions of others. They’ve learned to be tolerant and forgiving of those who don’t give them the space they need to make their own choices. They listen to their inner voices, follow their instincts, and refuse to get caught up in how others are reacting to their quest for independence.

Type Nine: The INFJ Peacemaker

Who Are They?

Many INFJs end up as Type Nines since the peacemaking role fits them like a glove. Empathic and compassionate, the Type Nine INFJ is always looking to soothe feelings and calm the storm. They are generally quite popular, with their assistance and advice being sought by those who appreciate their calm demeanor and their balanced approach to mediating conflicts.

Feelings and intuitions guide Type Nines. They remain quiet and reserved most of the time but are always ready to intervene or help when they see that their assistance is needed. If they feel anger or disillusionment themselves, they will usually repress it, since they fear the potentially destructive power of such emotions.

Strategies for Self-Development

Type Nine INFJs thrive when they learn to extend their empathy and compassion to themselves. When they reach their peak of performance and achieve healthy personal acceptance, it’s because they’ve learned to evaluate themselves candidly and acknowledge self-sabotaging patterns of avoidance. They expand their image as peacemakers by working hard to remain at peace with themselves, even as they continue selflessly assisting others.

Here’s How INFJs Show Up as Each of the Nine Enneagram Types (2024)


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